New recliners for Karingal Nursing Home

Looking to do something for their community, Dalby United Lodge No 180 chose to contribute to Karingal Nursing Home. Secretary of the Lodge, Wor Bro David Wheelehen’s wife works at the nursing home, so the lodge asked what they really needed. The Home gave them a list of options, and the Lodge decided two recliner chairs would be most valuable, raising funds through a local cent sale auction and tickets, giving away fun prizes.
The recliners chosen are transportable, with wheels that allow nurses to collect less-mobile residents from their rooms and move them to the common areas. They have special pressure points and a generous amount of foam to help make residents comfortable. The recliners are made in Queensland and while manufacturing took some time, as they are in high demand, the wait was worth it.
With a dollar-for-dollar subsidy from Hand Heart Pocket the Charity of Freemasons Queensland, they were able to present two recliners, valued at $2190 each. Representatives Wor Bro David Wheelehen, Wor Bro Jeffrey Parkes and VW Bro Peter Horn attended the presentation.