Mrs Robyn Townson announces charity of choice for UGLQ ladies

Following the tradition of the UGLQ ladies group, Mrs Robyn Townson has chosen the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital Foundation (LCCHF) as a most worthy Queensland charity to raise funds.
Queensland children of all ages, both in the cities and rural areas, are cared for and nurtured back to health by wonderful team of doctors and nurses, carers, parents and volunteers working for the LCCHF.
Through selling sno cones at the EKKA festival in Brisbane, Freemasons Queensland managed to raise $2000 for LCCHF. Bro Michael Rooney, a representative for the numerous Freemasons Queensland volunteers, presented a cheque for the funds raised at the September Quarterly Communications event.
Read more about Robyn’s charity choice in the September edition of the Queensland Freemason magazine.
Any lodge interested in raising funds for LCCHF would be most welcome.