Dunellan Lodge raises funds for Queenslanders living with MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that affects the brain, spinal cord or optic nerve. It is the most common chronic neurological condition affecting young adults in Australia.
MS Queensland is a non-profit organisation that provides MS information, education, treatment, care and support across Queensland.
On Sunday 19 April last year, Dunellan Lodge No 480 held a fundraising event at the Sandy Gallop Golf Course. With the help of the community and the Ipswich City Council, the members raised $650 for MS Queensland. The Board of Benevolence generously matched dollar for dollar taking the total to an amazing $1 300!
As the Queensland heat affects people living with MS, particularly with fatigue, Dunnellan lodge chose to donate their money towards cooling vests. MS Queensland was able to purchase a total of nine vests to aid people living with MS. In February this year a special function was held to present the vests to MS Queensland.