Beaudesert Lodge at Beaudesert Show

Beaudesert Lodge 379 represented UGLQ at the Beaudesert Show on 8 and 9 September to fundraise for charity and showcase their involvement in the local community.
The show was a fantastic event with many people popping by to ask about Freemasonry or to mention their father or grandfather had been a Freemason. Without doubt, the trailer, coupled with the lodge’s regalia-printed aprons stood out and reinforced their place in the community.
The main team consisted of Bro Nigel Booker, Bro Shaun Winson and Bro Wayne Lupnow, and with help from Wor Bro Michael McPhail and Bro Sean Redding, they sold 350 bacon and egg rolls, raising $1100 for charity.
The Lodge would like to especially thank Miss Storm Lupnow who dedicated her Friday evening and Saturday morning to help.
“We are very pleased to say that we have been asked back again next year,” said Nigel.