A close shave for Troy Wolgast

The March edition of The Queensland Freemason magazine shared an article about Bro Troy Wolgast preparing to take part in the Leukemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave Event.
The opportunity was a great way to have a bit of fun and do something meaningful. After growing his long curly hair for 12 months, he took part in the shave in March at the Railway Hotel in Imbil, with the Hotel sponsoring him a generous $1000.
Troy’s wife, children and in-laws joined him on the day to show their support. Cheryl from the Golden Apple, an Imbil hairdresser did the honours, shaving off all of Troy’s 32 plaits done by his wife, and storing them carefully to be sent to a special company that creates wigs for cancer patients.
“I’m used to getting my hair shaved off,” said Troy. “I kind of miss it though, because it helps when I work in the hot weather.”
The World’s Greatest Shave also promotes colouring hair to raise funds. Many members in the local community came together to participate. Mad House, a local discount store, donated 12 cans of hairspray paint for the event. Motorbike riders got their beards spray painted, some with beards down to their waist! One local man got a purple mohawk. Troy’s children also joined in and spray-painted their hair too.
Lynette Wolgast, when asked what she thought of her husband’s new look said, “It’s different, but I’m used to it. It’s Troy.” She was proud of him for raising money for such a good cause.
Troy would like to thank his lodge, Telford Lodge No 291, and Braemar Lodge No 89 for the generous donations. Braemar Lodge donated $100 getting him over the $2000 line to a total of $2078. Special mention to Wor Bro Phil Jensen, VW Bro Dave Downing and VW Bro Geoffrey Taylor who made private donations.