An invitation to the 2018 Grand Proclamation

We extend to Queensland Freemasons and their partners and ladies a cordial invitation to attend the Grand Proclamation, Winter Quarterly Communication and associated ladies’ afternoon tea at the Masonic Memorial Centre, 311 Ann Street, Brisbane on Saturday 7 July 2018.
The ceremony will consist of the proclamation of our current Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Alan Maurice Townson and our Deputy Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Paul Andrew Holland, and the investiture of our new Assistant Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Campbell Denyer and Grand Officers.
If you wish to attend the Grand Proclamation banquet, please download and complete the registration form, then save and return it to by Friday 22 June 2018.
Combined Winter Quarterly Communication
This year, the Winter Quarterly Communication will be held prior to the Grand Proclamation on Saturday 7 July.
Ladies’ afternoon tea
A ladies’ afternoon tea will be held in Supper Room 2 from 2-4pm during the Quarterly Communication.