
Welcome to Dunellan No. 480

671 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Sinnamon Park 4073

671 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Sinnamon Park 4073
Lodge Secretary

Colin Clapper



Freemasonry philosophy

Dunellan Lodge is a modern and progressive Lodge that caters for men of all ages desirous of following the principles and traditions of Freemasonry in benefiting their general wellbeing in the community. The Lodge, with a 60 year history, aims at making good men better people in our society.

Dunellan Lodge supports the ideals and objectives of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland and fosters strong friendship and family involvement in its activities.

Dunellan Lodge is committed to engage in charitable and philanthropic initiatives, including those under the United Grand Lodge of Queensland and the Hand Heart Pocket banner.

Dunellan lodge encourages men of all ages from 18 to make a difference, take part in Freemasonry and help build a better society through fellowship, community values, and tradition.

Character of our Lodge

Dunellan Lodge has members of all ages covering a variety of backgrounds, professions, interests and residing in different parts of Brisbane and surrounding areas, in addition to the Gold Coast, Canberra, and Chile.

Dunellan is a proactive and friendly Lodge and extends a warm welcome to visitors and friends, both at meetings in the Lodge Room and at the Festive Board following the meetings where both harmony and camaraderie prevail.

Lodge events

Special events held throughout the year include Barefoot Bowls, Trivia Night, Christmas Function, and Social Gatherings for Lodge members, family, and friends to become part of the Dunellan family.

Our history

Dunellan Lodge was consecrated (established) on 29 September 1959, and held its first Regular Meeting on 22 October 1959. In 2019 the Lodge celebrated its 60th anniversary.

Freemasons are a diverse group of men from all walks of life, from many religions and many backgrounds. Becoming a Freemason is a commitment to develop your own potential, to values that see all humankind as equal, and to helping others in our community.
