311 Ann St, Brisbane QLD 4000
The Grand Principles on which the lodge is founded are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. We hope that our Brotherly Love can encompass not only our Masonic companions but all men and women of good will. We have promised, as far as we are able, to relieve indigent brethren. We believe that every human being has an undoubted claim to our kind offices.
We accept the search for truth as a life-long quest whether it be moral truth, the hidden mysteries of nature and science, or the even greater mysteries of life itself.
Finally we enjoin our members, in the words of the late W.P.F. Morris, to ‘finish hard’.
Viking Lodge is the Masonic Lodge of the Anglican Church Grammar School, "Churchie". While many members of the lodge are Churchie Old Boys, many are also from other schools from Australia and overseas. Our members have an affinity to the Viking spirit that Reverend Canon Morris founded Churchie upon. The same ideals the school aspires to are maintained and built upon by the lodge.
The Lodge has been supportive of many charities including the Masonic Home at Sandgate. The Lodge continues to flourish and the quality of work, philosophy and fellowship have been maintained.
Contact the Lodge Secretary to find out more about Lodge events.
Viking Lodge was consecrated on 30 August 1947 and was the first school lodge formed under the jurisdiction of The United Grand Lodge of Queensland.
In the history of the first 25 years of Viking, compiled by P.V.O. Fleming, there is a reference to ‘five wise old men’ who were the instigators and driving force behind the Lodge’s inauguration: Byrne Hart, L.A. Little, J.L. Mactaggart, W.C. Poulsen and G. Ward. They were all Past Masters of Lodge 110, which sponsored the petition in granting a warrant.
Each of these five wise men had links with Churchie and were ‘Foundation Past Masters’. While none had been a pupil at the school, each embraced the principles and philosophy engendered there. Due in part to the example of these men, all of whom attained Grand Rank, the Lodge has always had a strong involvement and commitment to Grand Lodge.
Our link with Churchie has been strengthened by the involvement of many past pupils and teachers. Lodge members have served on the Board of General Purposes and Board of Benevolence. Members have also served in virtually every Grand Lodge office and three foundation members have become Grand Masters: Nicholson, F.J.Morgan and Sir Walter Burnett.
Freemasons are a diverse group of men from all walks of life, from many religions and many backgrounds. Becoming a Freemason is a commitment to develop your own potential, to values that see all humankind as equal, and to helping others in our community.