311 Ann St, Brisbane QLD 4000
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1st Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 4.00 pm (bi-monthly from February); Installation: AprilMeetings
Saturdays (time varies: quarterly); Installation: OctoberMeetings
4th Saturday of the month, 12.00 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
2nd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm (except December); Installation: JulyMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
4th Monday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Tuesday of the month, 9.30 am; Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm (except December); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month, 10.00 am; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
Last Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
4th Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 6.45 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
1st Monday of the month, 7.15 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
4th Wednesday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Monday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.00 pm (quarterly - February, May, August & November); Installation: AugustMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.00 pm (except January). Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 10:00am; Installation: OctoberMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 7.00 pm (except January); Installation: JuneMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3 meetings per year with variable timing; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AprilMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 2.00 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.00 pm (February to November); Installation: JuneMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
4th Saturday of the month (bi-monthly), 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
1st Thursday of the month 7.30 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: MayMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 1.30 pm (except January); Installation: JulyMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 1.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
TRAVELLING WARRANT - 3rd Saturday of the month (bi-monthly: from February), 2.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
Saturdays (monthly: February to November), 1.00 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month. Feb - Dec, 7.15 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Monday of the month, 7.20 pm (except January and August); Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 10.00 am; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Monday of the month, 7.15 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 10.00 am; Installation: OctoberMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
4th Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: NovemberMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.00 pm (except January); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 1.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Monday of the month (February to November), 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month (Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct & Dec), 5.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
1st Thursday of the month (bi-monthly from February), 7.30 pm; Installation: AprilMeetings
1st Monday of the month (March to December) 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Friday of the month (February-November), 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Friday of the month, 7.00 pm (except January & September); Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
Saturdays (April, July, August & November), 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except December); Installation: AugustMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AprilMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: JuneMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
4th Saturday of the month, 2.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 1.30 pm (quarterly: February, May, August & November); Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 9.30 am; Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month, 1.00 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month (except January), 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
3rd Thursday of month & 2nd Saturday in December, 7.15 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January and December); Installation: MayMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 9.30 am; Installation: MayMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
3rd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except December); Installation: OctoberMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
1st Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: JuneMeetings
3rd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month, 7.15 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
4th Saturday of the month, 2.30 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7:30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.00 pm (except January and December); Installation: OctoberMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 4.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: NovemberMeetings
Last Monday of the month (February-November), 10.30 am; Installation: JuneMeetings
3rd Tuesday of the month, 6.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month,1.00 pm (except January & December); Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: MayMeetings
Travelling Warrant - Ad-hoc; Install: NovemberMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: AugustMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 7.15 pm (except January); Installation: JulyMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.15 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm (March, May, July, September & November); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Monday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.15 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7.15 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.15 pm (February to November); Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 6.30 pm (bi-monthly); Installation: OctoberMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AprilMeetings
Saturdays monthly, 1.00 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: NovemberMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month (except January), 7.00 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: JuneMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
4th Saturday of the month, 10.00 am (Quarterly: February, May, August & November) ; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm (March, May, July & September); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month (except January & December) 7.15 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
1st Friday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (February to November); Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: AugustMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AprilMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 10.15 am; Installation: AugustMeetings
1st Monday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.00 pm (except December); Installation: OctoberMeetings
1st Saturday of the month (except January), 2.00 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: AprilMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month (February to November), 7.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: FebruaryMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 9.00 am (except January); Installation: MarchMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.15 pm (except January); Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 7.15 pm (except January); Installation: OctoberMeetings
4th Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
4th Monday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January & December); Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm (bi-monthly from January); Installation: MarchMeetings
4th Friday of the month, 7.30 pm (except December); Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Friday of the month (bi-monthly from February), 7:30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Thursday (February - May & August - November), 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.15 PM; Installation: MayMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except December); Installation: OctoberMeetings
1st Monday of the month, 7.30 pm (bi-monthly from February); Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Friday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JulyMeetings
2nd Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.20 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
1st Saturday of the month, 6.30 pm; Installation: FebruaryMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: NovemberMeetings
4th Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except December); Installation: JulyMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.00 pm (except January & June); Installation: MayMeetings
1st Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
2nd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Monday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: NovemberMeetings
3rd Friday of the month, 9.30 am; Installation: OctoberMeetings
5th Thursday of the MonthMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Monday of the month, 7.30 pm (February to November); Installation: AprilMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.00 pm; Installation: JuneMeetings
1st Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: AugustMeetings
4th Friday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm (except January); Installation: MarchMeetings
3rd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MarchMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm (bi-monthly from February); Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: SeptemberMeetings
2nd Thursday of the month (except January), 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
1st Monday of the month (except January), 9.00 am; Installation: OctoberMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
1st Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AugustMeetings
3rd Friday of the month, 8.00 pm; Installation: AprilMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 6.30 pm (except January); Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.00 pm (bi-monthly); Installation: MayMeetings
4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: MayMeetings
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: FebruaryMeetings
2nd Saturday of the month, 7.30 pm; Installation: AprilMeetings
2nd Monday of the month (except January), 7.00 pm; Installation: NovemberMeetings
2nd Tuesday of the month, 6.00 pm (bi-monthly from February); Installation: October